Meera Hashimoto is an artist who stands out as an art teacher that knows how to use dynamic meditation in our creative process, how to know ourselves better with it, and even, how to internalize the creativity of other people with whom we connect.
Dynamic Meditation frees our mind and our spirit. This way, you connect with yourself and do not need to copy anything from the outside. So you can develop your own creativity, which usually we do not trust because of social pressure.
On the other hand, the artistic activity inside a group expand our creativity, thanks to the contact with the other person´s creativity. And creativity or spontaneity of other people is so different from our own that is very a shocking experience for many people, it is like traveling from one universe to another, when we thought there was only our universe.

I have known the videos presented in this theme thanks to Manav, who told me in an email:
“”About seven years ago I was lucky enough to meet Meera and her Primal Painting in Italy. I liked his work so much that I went to India to make her course, which lasted two months then. So, two things very important to me came together: meditation and creativity. I am a music teacher in high school and working with Meera revolutionized many things in my life, but especially the way I teach. His way of working is directly inspired by Osho creativity and I think the phrase “freeing internal forces” describes it very well.
Since 2009 Meera comes every year to Spain to make two courses in summer: Painting & Drawing Primal Nature. In her youth she was living and painting in Toledo and is very connected to Spain (actually speaks Spanish) and I love working here. Since then many people have passed these courses, most come from other countries. I often think that if Meera is more famous in Spain, more people could benefit from their work. In these years I have seen many people reconnect with their creativity after years of blockages (artists and “not artists”). I have seen painters who have recover the passion of painting after falling into the tedium and get “stuck” in the technique, I’ve seen people not painted since childhood discover their creative potential. “
These videos are an example of how to know our character (as unique) or the people´s character with our brush or our selection of colors and shapes. And you can see that there is nothing so complicated, neither in painting or life. Everything is energy, movement and change.
Videos with Meera:
Video Meera – Primal Painting 1. Examples of active meditation and connection with others creativity.
Video Meera – Primal Painting 2. Masterclass about how to express life in a painting.
The most important thing that we can get from Meera is the life experience we can get with her classes.
Sometimes, as Manav said, the creative blocking can be easily solved by the union with other human beings. Their personal energy enters to activate our own energy. And who has not experienced this artistic block? Who has not lost its power to create at some point? Who does not know what is “going blank”?
Words are never able to express this kind of life experiences because we are energy in motion, changing shape, expanding, and the words always end in silence. So, it doesn´t works for unlock us. It is the motion that can modify a passive state. And I think that was the Osho´s master lesson: experiences, act.
Thanks you Manav!
Meera courses: